When you want a modern, stylish, large garden in your new home, but do not yet have a “green thumb,” we have a plan for you.
This rural Georgetown family wanted a kitchen garden to feed 5 and they were ready for a permanent upgrade to their outdoor space.
With over 120 square feet of planting space in 6 large raised beds, this project was next level.
From deciding where on their property to put it and how much they should grow, we guided them through the whole process. She wanted big. He wanted beautiful. And we delivered both. And the best part is, this absolute stunner grows the most amazing variety of healthy, fresh, organic food for them to harvest weekly - truly garden-to-plate.

The "before" picture of the location we selected based on our 4 criteria for picking the best spot.

We made a plan and design based on their style and budget and got to work!

Custom crafted weathered steel adds timeless beauty to the space.

Deer can be a huge garden problem in our area and this client got a deer-proof fence installed.

All of our clients receive only the best quality soil to grow their organic edible crops.

The gorgeous pathways are going in...

These steel beds are no joke and took several team members to lift each one.

Prepping the space is a lot of hard work. And it's finally coming together. We align everything to perfection and in this case the client got in-ground irrigation installed throughout her entire garden.

Finally! The "after" pic! Fully planted and ready to grow.

I mean, look at those greens! She is regularly harvesting almost daily just one month later.

At our one-month follow up visit, we could not believe how much this client's garden was flourishing!

Welcome to the family garden!

Lettuce, spinach, parsley, cilantro, dill, chives and more. Grow, baby, grow!

The finished, deer-proofed project. Six raised beds, fully planted, irrigation, soil, custom beds, area prep, trellises - the works! Now our clients can enjoy the good part - growing and harvesting all fall and winter long! (And spring and summer, too!)